It also serves as a timely reminder of the importance of keeping a (relatively) untidy garden at this time of year. We've noticed that our garden foragers are back in force, Blackbirds in particular are looking for a bit of easy scrattle to see them through the Winter. It's slim pickings around the Bramleys this year, so Karen has been out scattering Mealworms and cooking up Porridge as a supplement. The last few Williams Pears from John's orchard have gone to the birds too. Every little helps.Dear Rockingham Forest Cider, I understand from your web page that you use locally grown apples and I wondered what is done with any windfalls or apples that you find are unsuitable for cider? I am a member of the Rutland Water Nature Reserve bird ringing group, and at this time of year we are keen to attract as many migratory thrushes, blackbirds, fieldfares and redwings (that are arriving in large numbers at the moment) to our ringing sites so that we can ring the birds and contribute the data to international scientific projects on migration and demography. One of the ways that we can encourage birds to our ringing sites across the county is to leave windfall apples in the ringing area for a few days before we go to the site. I therefore wondered whether you might have, or know of anyone who may have, windfalls or unusable apples that would otherwise be left to rot that we could have to put down at our ringing sites. We would be happy to come and collect the apples from the ground and take them away at any time convenient to you.
Saturday, 2 January 2010
A Peck of Apples
I've received this interesting message from a Dr Colin Hewitt, and post it here in case any of our readers know of a source of windfall apples within striking distance of Rutland.
This delightful image was made available by AndersSteenNilsen under a Creative Commons Licence. Thanks.
It's great that my photos can be used for something :) Thanks for sending me a link to the article.