Sunday, 15 June 2008

Welland Valley Beer Festival - Update

Programmes have not arrived in Middleton yet, but here's a small bit of news for the beer drinkers.

The new licensee at the Sondes Arms, Rockingham has upped the game at this year's festival. Previously the Sondes have sold their festival ales through the somewhat limited range of handpumps in the bars, but this year the beers will be split between the bar and a separate stillage which means the full range of ales will be available at all times. In addition to the list shown, the Sondes will also have our Rockingham Forest Cider, and also cider from Thatchers of Somerset. The Sondes Arms is worth a visit, if only to enjoy the lovely orchard garden at the rear where you can admire the old apple trees, some of which contributed fruit to this year's Welland Valley Special Cider.

Our local the Red Lion, Middleton have also posted up their beer list for the festival, and as you can see there will also be Rockingham Forest Cider, our festival special, and a Broome Farm Perry.


  1. Thanks for posting these. I'm still waiting for more info. Will probably do Gretton though on the Sunday, as relying on wife/chauffeur!

  2. Gretton is highly recommended, the Talbot were still working on their new garden decking yesterday, but should be finished for the excellent weather we're expecting on Sat! Still no sign of the programmes....
