Monday, 31 March 2008

Read All About It

When the local press come calling, it's hard to say no. If there's one thing we probably don't need at the moment, it's the kind of publicity generated by a feature in our local newspaper, the Leicester Mercury.

The Saturday edition of the Mercury has a full page devoted to showcasing Leicestershire food and drink producers and foody events. Always worth a read, and just the sort of feature designed to turn the heads of impressionable micro-producers such as ourselves. Oh dear! One half-hour interview and a quick photo-call in the garden later, we're splashed across the newsprint like a pair of eager-to-please spaniels.

I must admit that because we were away this weekend, I haven't seen the full gory printed version, only the online copy. We could do without the Wurzels, and park bench history lesson, but it's not too bad I suppose. If it gives the fantastic team at the Criterion a bit more publicity, then I'll be happy enough, and it should just about compensate for the ribbing we're sure to get over the next few days.

Read all about it here: 'Cold Off The Press'

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